Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Google and Social Media Saved My Dogs Life

My blogging has been almost non-existent since November...shame on me. Well tonight I am hot to trot about some goes topic 1~!

My day from hell ended on a very important call about a very high profile client...during which my kids (who have been puking their guts up all week) were screaming for me repeatedly. I rushed downstairs to see what was the matter and of course our new puppy had helped herself to an ornament snack. See the munching monster above, left unattended by the kids, who you cannot completely blame for not watching her. (Even though part of me wants to be unfair and do it.)
I call the vet who wants me to come in...won't tell me how much it will cost...what they'll be doing...etc. The must have some idea. Gidget can't be the only puppy to ever eat an ornament. I would cave...Robert wouldn't. I gave my baby lots of bread to hopefully coat her stomach and provide a sticky substance for the glass. (Info provided by a friend earlier this week who encountered a similar scenario - coincidence - I think not.) Then I turned to the ever faithfull knowledge repository of links...Google...which serves up the following link - the second remedy I immediately took action on. So in case you have similar you go...
Here's to hoping for a less eventful evening.