Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I needed a hug, and all I got was Sick Puppies!

So today was a stressful day to say the least, let's just say I didn't eat lunch or...

***Warning: I have decided not to censor myself in today's "episode", please proceed at your own risk.***

...pee until 4.30. I think I held "it" (my pee that is) for at least 5 hours. That is, hands down, my all time record, considering I pee more than the average pregnant woman, and the truth is...I hate to pee. It's such an inconvenience, but alas when Mother Nature calls you must adhere to the request eventually!!! And then wash your hands, of course. Anywho...back to my stressful day. So there I was stressing out trying to get it all done, and I then I thought the obvious. Man I need a hug. But here I am, all alone in my office with no one around, not even my Lily-kins (aka Boxer).

Oh yes I could hug myself, and it would probably even feel good (I've read studies confirming this.) because I happen to be a damn good hugger. But, I don't want to hug myself. I want human interaction, and today I'm willing to settle for a virtual hug. How will I get one? I give them out all the time so I figured what the heck why not just throw caution to the wind and ask. So...

I tweeted (On, @asquillace, if you join.) and low and behold, my tweeps came through. I had all the virtual hugs I needed to get through the day and then was the "and then some" that included Sick Puppies...

Moral of the story: If you need a hug, just ask. And try not to be stingy on your virtual hugs - people love them, trust me! (Well at least the people I know do - I wouldn't go around virtually hugging strangers.)

On that note, I'm bouncing to make dinner. Good evening to all...and to all a good night! Tomorrow, I will blog about the amazingness of Sara Bareilles and Maroon 5 and Counting Crows (Adam Duritz) and share some wonderful pics!


Pauline said...

Alicia is a good hugger. F2F or virtually. Sorry I didn't see your tweet. Consider it done with added puppy kisses from Seamus and Fiona. Although if you read my post from Feb 2008. You may not want Seamus'! LOL

Brian said...

It was coincidence that I had seen that video again the morning before you needed a hug... or maybe it was fate. :)

jdarby said...

I loved that - I never heard of the Sick Puppies (I thought you had actual puppies that were sick) but I love the video. Made me wish I had a real hug right now.